PHP Classes

Microformats Parser: Extract microformat data embedded in HTML

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2007-10-16 (9 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 1,367 All time: 2,746 This week: 899Up
Version License PHP version Categories
microformatsparser 1.1BSD License4.3HTML
Description Author

This package can be used to parse and extract microformat data that may be embedded in HTML documents.

The main class parses HTML documents with the PHP DOM-XML extension. This class builds a document structure and passes specific document node object to separate classes specialized in parsing and extracting different types of microformat data.

Currently there are parser classes for extracting data of the microformats: hCalendar, hCard, hReview and relElement.

The extracted data is returned as array objects of the xArray class.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2006
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
The promises of the semantic Web, that uses additional XML embedded in normal HTML documents, were not yet fulfilled.

Apparently that was due to the lack of motivation of Web site developers to add information to documents that does not bring any direct benefits.

Microformats seem to be yet another attempt to motivate Web developers to add semantic information to their Web pages. Instead of having to include additional tags, microformats define conventions to embed semantic information in regular XHTML page content.

This class is capable of parsing and extracting pages with several kinds of microformats. With this class, PHP applications can process the semantic information embedded in the pages and use it easily to create new kinds of Web applications.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ve Bailovity
Name: Ve Bailovity <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagedoc (6 files)
Files folder imagelib (5 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Example usage
Accessible without login HTML file testpage.html Data HTML to be parsed by the example script 18KB
Downloadmicroformatsparser-2007-10-16.tar.gz 12KB
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Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
xArray Download .zip .tar.gz Used to 1) accomplish property-based filtering of DOM nodes; 2) facilitate further resulting data manipulation; 3) make the code much more readable Required
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