PHP Classes

CSS One: Combine CSS and images into a single stylesheet

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Version License PHP version Categories
cssone1 1.3MIT/X Consortium ...5.2HTML, PHP 5
Description Author

This class can combine multiple CSS files and referenced images into a single stylesheet.

It takes a list of CSS stylesheets and combine them into a single stylesheet.

The images referenced by each stylesheet are retrieve from their remote URLs and converted into data inline URIs, so the resulting stylesheet contains all stylesheets and all image data within the same CSS file.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2012
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
CSS files often define styles that reference images and other resources that are available in separate locations.

This class can process one or more CSS style sheets in such way that it retrieves the information of images and embed them in the processed CSS output, so all CSS and image data is included in a single style sheet.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Karl Holz
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 9x


CSS One, unify your your style sheet and it's images into one file

@package css_one
@authour Karl Holz <newaeon|A|mac|d|com>

June 27, 2012

 CSS One
 -> bigger style sheet 
 -> less http requests 
 -> faster loading 

For an example of how to use this class in your php/jQuery project, look at index.php

CSS One will do
- print minifyed CSS with images embedded into the document output
- print HTML5 or xHTML output with a the ability to add custom feeds, js files/links and a 
custom HTML (<body /> only) for your widget markup.  

CSS output example

for the best performance, please keep your styles organized in different folders with their images.
view the jQuery UI css folder (found in the unzipped release folder) for the best example to get the best results.

$css=new css_one();

CSS One has been tested with jQuery UI css release and custom themes - 
to create custom themes, use theme roller -

HTML5 / xHTML output example (index.php has the best example of it's use)

$css=new css_one();
// -> set $css->HTML5=FALSE; // for xHTML output 
$css->title="CSS One ";                                                // <title />
$css->description="This is a jQuery UI CSS theme testing tool";        // <meta />
$css->keywords="HTML5, css, base64 images, phpclasses";                // <meta />
$css->add_atom('Test jQuery UI',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'/feed.atom'); // add ATOM feed
$css->set_jquery('/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js');                           // add jquery, will default to web link if file is not avaliable
$css->set_jquery_ui('/js/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.min.js');             // add jquery-ui, will default to web link if file is not avaliable
$css->add_js('/js/ui-demo.js');                                        // add custom javascript
$css->add_style('style.php');                                          // this css is a link to the document or script
$css->load_body(dirname(__FILE__).'/jquery-ui/demo.html');             // load HTML5/xHTML markup
echo $css;                                                             // just print the object to get the html document

The demo in index.php has an example of how to impliment multiple jQuery ui themes to your web applications
I simplely reused the atom feed and a little XSLT to made a select box that would load the new style.
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecss (1 file, 3 directories)
Files folder imagejs (3 files)
Plain text file css-ui.php Class this is the work horse class for all the CSS and image encoding work
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example CSS One tester, it uses jquery-ui demo files for the example
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENCE.txt Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Basic Class Info, and two examples

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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.