PHP Classes

PHP Str Match and Split: Process strings with regular expressions

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php-str-match-split 0.1GNU General Publi...3.0Text processing
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This class can process strings with regular expressions.

It can process a given string to execute several types of operations with regular expressions.

Currently it can match a given regular expression and return the whole matched string or a given matched group, replace values that match a regular expression, and split a string with a given regular expression.

Picture of P Guardiario
Name: P Guardiario <contact>
Classes: 6 packages by
Country: Philippines Philippines


Phpstr Give php strings easy to remember regex functionality ========= Do you ever get tired of looking up preg functions because you forgot the order of the arguments? Me too. ```php require 'phpstr.php'; ``` Return a match ```php str('There are 23 people reading this blog')->match('/\d+/'); ``` Substitution ```php str('all of the es')->gsub('/e/', 'y'); ``` Scan will return an array of matches ```php str('010 202 312 332')->scan('/\d+/'); ``` Split will return an array of tokens ```php str('010 202-312 332')->split('/\s/'); ```
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